The House of the Mountains (Haus der Berge) in Berchtesgaden is the information and education center of the national park Berchtesgaden . Address: Hanielstraße 7, 83471 Berchtesgaden, Germany
The Royal Castle Berchtesgaden is a former Augustinian chancery monastery building in Berchtesgaden . Its beginnings date back to around 1102, which after several reconstructions also served as the residence of the Princepropsteis Berchtesgaden .
Dokumentation Obersalzberg is a museum in the Obersalzberg resort near Berchtesgaden, providing historical information on the use of the mountainside retreat by Nazi leaders, especially Hitler who regularly vacationed in this area beginning in 1928.
The Berchtesgaden Heimat Museum(Renaissanceschlösschen Adelsheim) was erected in 1614 by Stiftsdekan Degenhart Neuchinger. For centuries, it served as a noble residence for chancellors, high officials, and later wooden merchants.